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Association for Engineering Education of Russia

Main / Of current importance

Of current importance

Association for Engineering Education of Russia is conducting the study of problems of technology transfer of Russian universities

At present, the process of technology transfer from universities to business plays the main role in the development of knowledge-based economy. However, this process is associated with a particular difficulties and challenges, especially in today's rapidly evolving environment.

Association for Engineering Education of Russia is conducting the study of problems of technology transfer of Russian universities to assist higher education institutions in their efforts to identify existing problems in this area.

In this regard, the Association requests all interested organizations to fill in the questionnaire. Final report on the study results and recommendations for your organization will be sent to each participant and published by the AEER.

All questions related to this study, you can ask by e-mail or phone 89618924178 (Evgeny Olegovich Akchelov).

Address of Yuri P. Pokholkov