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Association for Engineering Education of Russia

Main / Of current importance

Of current importance

On November 23, 2011 in Moscow at the Russian Academy of Sciences the All-Russian Congress of scientific and technical community was held

Purpose of the Congress was the development of the policy for technological modernization of production and innovative development.

The Congress was organized by the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation, the Russian Union of Scientific and Engineering Organizations and the International Union of Scientific and Engineering Associations in cooperation with the Russian Academy of Sciences, Bauman Moscow State Technical University and the Union of Oil and Gas Producers of Russia.

The initiative of the Congress got a favorable response in both chambers of the RF Federal Assembly and was supported by the Administration of the President of Russia. Also on July 28, 2011 the Decree of the RF Government № 1308-r was signed by V.V. Putin which recommended that federal executive authorities, executive authorities of subjects of the Russian Federation, local authorities and public associations provide, within their competence, necessary assistance in preparation and conduct of the Congress activities.

The organizing committee of the Congress was headed by Minister of Industry and Trade V.B. Khristenko. The organizing committee included heads of leading scientific and technical associations (unions, societies, federations) as well as representatives of committees of the State Duma and the Council of the Federation, heads and senior officials from the administrations of subjects of the Russian Federation, many prominent organizers and experts of production sphere.

The plenary meeting was attended by officials of the Administration of the President of Russia and of the Government of the Russian Federation, heads of some country regions, federal ministries and agencies, local executive authorities, corporation executives, heads of scientific and industrial complexes, educational and scientific institutions, more than six hundred people from 61 regions of the country in all. The Congress was also attended by the President of the Association for Engineering Education of Russia Y.P. Pokholkov.

The President of Russia Dmitry Medvedev sent greetings to the participants of the All-Russian Congress of scientific and technical community, in which it was stressed that the initiatives developed at the Congress will help to address the priorities of the modernization of the Russian economy.

As a result of the Congress the resolution was adopted that proposes a package of measures to encourage technological and industrial changes in market conditions, determine the path of scientific and technological development of the country, as well as direct the Russian engineering associations and organizations in their efforts to improving the training of engineers.

Address of Yuri P. Pokholkov