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Association for Engineering Education of Russia

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EUA webinar: The EU’s response to the coronavirus crisis and what’s relevant for universities

The European University Association is organising a webinar on the EU’s response to the coronavirus crisis and what’s relevant for universities. Speakers from different Directorates General of the European Commission will provide an overview of EU-level measures taken in areas of direct importance to universities, such as Erasmus+, Horizon 2020 and the European Structural and Investment Funds.

На вебинаре эксперты Еврокомиссии представят общую информацию о:

  • мерах в ответ на коронавирусный кризис, принятых на уровне ЕС (в частности касательно программ Erasmus+ и Horizon 2020)
  • предполагаемых изменениях в научно-образовательной политике ЕС

Date and time: June 3, 2020, 14:00 (Brussels time)

Working language: English.

Participation is free.

Follow the link for additional information and registration

Address of Yuri P. Pokholkov