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Association for Engineering Education of Russia

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Annual Report 2011 of the European Society for Engineering Education (SEFI) “SEFI and the Engineering Education in 2011”

SEFI is the largest network of higher engineering education institutions (HEIs) and educators in Europe. It is an international non profit organisation created in 1973 to contribute to the development and improvement of HEE in Europe, to reinforce the position of the engineering professionals in society, to promote information about HEE and improve communication between teachers, researchers and students, to reinforce the university-business cooperation and to encourage the European dimension in higher engineering education.

The Report contains the SEFI Overview in 2011, conducted events and joint actions with other organisations, experiences of university-business cooperation, as well as a list of the SEFI members, administrators and officers.

SEFI Annual Report 2011

Address of Yuri P. Pokholkov