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About Association
AEER Governing Bodies
Regional departments
Journal "Engineering Education"
AEER Projects
Structure of the Association7.1. The structure of the Association is composed of its regional departments, branches and foreign offices. Regional departments, branches and offices may be established in Russia and abroad. 7.2. Regional departments of the Association act according to this Chapter as well as their own chapters, unless they contradict the former. The regional department may constitute a juridical person from the moment of its state registration in the order established by the law. The regional department established in the territory of the Russian Federation and acting on the basis of this Chapter, acquires the status of a juridical person in the established order if the Administrative Board notifies the appropriate institute of justice of the respective subject of the Russian Federation. 7.3. The highest governing body of the regional department is the Conference (General meeting of its members) called at least one time a year. Extraordinary Conference of the regional department may be called by decision of the Chairperson of a regional department or demand of at least 1/3 of the department members. The call, place and agenda for the Conference of the regional department are announced not later than one month in advance. The Conference is authorized when more than half of the department members are present. Decisions are taken by simple majority of the present members of the department. The voting procedure is determined by the Conference. 7.4. The Conference of the Association's regional department decides on any questions relating to the department activities. Within the exclusive competence of the Conference of the regional department lie:
7.5. The Board of the regional department is elected by the Conference of the regional department for the four-year term and is a standing governing body of the department between the Conferences of the department. The Board of the regional department:
Meetings of the Board are held when necessary but at least one time in three months and are authoritative if more than half of the Board members are present. Decisions are taken by simple majority of the present members of the Board in open vote. 7.6. Work of the regional department is directed by Chairperson elected by the Conference for a four-year term. Chairperson may be repeatedly re-elected. Chairperson of the regional department annually reports on his/her work and of the department activity to the Conference of the regional department and the Administrative Board of the Association. Chairman of the regional department without a power of attorney represents the interests of the department of the Association in relations with federal and local authorities, Russian and foreign juridical and natural persons, including international ones, as well as gives powers of attorney on behalf of the regional department in case of its state registration. 7.7. Vice Chairperson of the regional department is elected by the Conference of the department for a four-year term. Vice Chairperson of the regional department acts for Chairperson in the absence of the latter and performs specific assignments of Chairperson of the regional department by his/her attorney. 7.8. The Auditing Committee (Auditor) of the regional department is elected by the Conference of the department for a two-year term and is the controlling body of the department. The members of the Board of the department and staff of the regional department of the Association cannot be the members of the Auditing committee of the regional department. The said persons may not be Auditor of the regional department as well. The Auditing Committee (Auditor) performs annual auditing of financial activity of the department and presents the report for approval of the Conference of the department. The financial report approved by the Conference is sent to Chairperson of the Auditing Committee of the Association. 7.9. The Association has the right to establish branches and open offices. 7.10. The branch of the Association is its detached division carrying out all of its functions or part of them, including those of representation. Branches of the Association act in accordance with the Branches Regulations to be approved by the Academic Board of the Association. 7.11. The Association has Tomsk Branch located at: Tomsk 7.12. The office of the Association is its detached division located outside the seat of the Association that represents and protects the interests of the Association. 7.13. Heads of branches and offices are appointed by the decision of the Administrative Board of the Association and act under power of attorney issued by President of the Association. 7.14. Branches and offices of the Association on the territory of the Russian Federation do not constitute juridical persons and are portioned of the property by the Association. The property of branches and offices is accounted for their separate balances and the balance of the Association. 7.15. Branches and offices act on behalf of the Association. The Association bears all responsibility for activities of its branches and offices. 7.16. The Association has the right to establish centers, commissions, committees, councils and other subdivisions in accordance with the Association activities, acting on the basis of regulations approved by the Administrative Board of the Association. 7.17. The association has the Accreditation Center located in Moscow at the seat of the Association. 7.18. The Association has the Accreditation Board. Chairman of the Accreditation Board and members of the Accreditation Board is approved by the decision of the Administrative Board of the Association. |
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