Main / About Association / Charter / The Association membership. Rights and responsibilities of members

The Association membership. Rights and responsibilities of members

4.1. The Association membership is open to citizens of the Russian Federation, other countries and individuals without citizenship, older than 18 years, who are scientists, teachers, engineers, and specialists of higher education engineering institutions, scientific and research establishments, scientific production enterprises, technoparks, technopoles and other organizations independent of their affiliation and ownership, who share the goals and objectives of this Charter and wish to contribute to their realization.

4.2. The Association membership is also open to public associations - juridical persons that agree with this Charter and intend to support and develop engineering education in Russia.

4.3. Admission to the Association of a citizen of the Russian Federation is carried out by the Board of the Association regional department at his/her place of permanent or predominant residence in the order prescribed by this Charter based on the personal written application of an entering. The decision of the regional department Board for membership in the Association or to refuse such an admission is subject to approval by the Administrative Board of the Association and shall take effect from the date of this approval.

Entered into force decision of the regional department Board for membership in the Association is the basis for issuance for a citizen of the Russian Federation of the Association membership card of the established pattern.

The Administrative Board of the Association organises production, execution and delivery of membership cards to regional departments that provide their presentation to the citizens of the Russian Federation admitted to the Association.

Admission to the Association of a citizen of the Russian Federation with permanent and predominant residence on the territory of a subject of the Russian Federation which has no regional department of the Association is carried out by the Administrative Board of the Association in the order prescribed by this Charter.

4.4. Public associations - juridical persons are admitted by decision of the Administrative Board by a simple majority of the Administrative Board members in open vote on the basis of the decision of the governing body of this public association supplemented with its registration certificate and the Charter, duly certified. The public associations - members of the Association receive the decision of the Administrative Board on their admission.

4.5. The Association has a honorary membership. Honorary members are elected by nomination of the Administrative Board by 2/3 majority of the listed membership of the Administrative Board in open vote.

4.6. Individuals who made significant contribution to realization of the Association's goals and objectives can be elected as honorary members.

The honorary members of the Association receive a diploma.

4.7. Honorary members of the Association are exempt from membership fees.

Honorary members who are not members of the Administrative Board take part in its work with a right of consultative voice.

4.8. Leaving the Association membership is voluntary on the basis of a written statement submitted to the Administrative Board or regional department board. It does not require a decision of these bodies.

Leaving the Association membership by public associations - juridical persons is voluntary on the basis of the decision of the governing body of this association submitted to the Administrative Board. The decision of the Administrative Board is not required.

4.9. The public associations - juridical persons participate in the work of the Association through their authorized representatives.

4.10. All members of the Association have equal rights and bear equal responsibilities.

4.11. Members of the Association have the following rights:

4.12. The Association members bear the following responsibilities:

4.13. Breach of the provisions of the Charter, failure to pay the membership fees before December 31 of the current year or unethical behavior may lead to exclusion from the Association membership. The decision is taken by the simple majority of the present members of the Administrative Board or regional department board in open vote. Decision on exclusion of a public association - juridical person, in case of its violation of this Charter, is taken by the simple majority of the present members of the Administrative Board in open vote.

Decision of the exclusion from the Association membership may be appealed to the General Assembly of the Association. Decision of the General Assembly of the Association on this question is final.

© Association for Engineering Education of Russia

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