Main / About Association / Charter / The governing bodies of the Association, their terms of reference

The governing bodies of the Association, their terms of reference

5.1. The Association governing bodies are:

5.2. The highest governing body of the Association is the General Assembly of the Association. It is convened by the decision of the Administrative Board at least once in two years.

Extraordinary General Assembly may be convened if necessary on demand of 1/2 of departments of the Association or by decision of the Administrative Board taken by 2/3 majority of the listed membership of the Administrative Board in open vote.

To hold the General Assembly, the Administrative Board sets up an organizing committee.

5.3. Delegates to the Association General Assembly are elected by simple majority of the members present at Conferences (General meetings) of regional department in open vote.

5.4. The General Assembly is authorized to take decisions when more than half of the elected delegates are present. Rate of representation, date and place, and the agenda of the General Assembly are determined by the Administrative Board and announced to the regional departments not later than two months before the opening of the General Assembly.

The General Assembly decisions are taken by simple majority of voted of the present delegates, the voting procedure is determined by the General Assembly unless otherwise provided in this Charter.

5.5. The General Assembly makes decisions on any questions of the Association's activities.

Within its exclusive competence the following questions lay:

5.6. The Administrative Board elected by the General Assembly for a four-year term carries out management of the Association between General Assemblies. Quantitative and personal composition of the Board is determined by the General Assembly of the Association. The Administrative Board should include the representatives of different regional departments and public associations – members of the Association. 1/3 of the members of the Administrative Board are to be renewed each four years. Under the Administrative Board of the Association the Public Council of representatives of prominent scientists and engineers, public and political figures, famous leaders of industrial enterprises, university rectors, technopark directors, etc. to develop recommendations on strategic issues of the Association activity determined by the Charter.

5.7. The Administrative Board meetings are held at least once a year. The meeting is announced not later than one month in advance.

The meetings are authorized if more than half of the members of the Administrative Board are present including the members of the Administrative Board submitted in advance in writing the decisions on agenda issues.

Decisions are taken in open vote by simple majority of the present members of the Administrative Board including the members of the Administrative Board submitted in advance in writing the decisions on agenda issues.

Other questions of the Administrative Board meeting conduct are determined by the Regulations of the Administrative Board, approved by the Administrative Board.

5.8. The Administrative Board of the Association:

5.9. President of the Association is elected by the General Assembly for a four-year term. President can be elected for another term repeatedly. President is a member of the Administrative Board.

5.10. President of the Association:

5.11. Vice-Presidents of the Association is elected by the Administrative Board from the members of the Administrative Board for a four-year term and can be re-elected repeatedly.

5.12. Vice-President of the Association:

5.13. The Executive Directorate is an executive body of the Association. The Executive Directorate is headed by Executive Director who is elected by the Administrative Board of the Association. Executive Director is a member of the Administrative Board of the Association. To perform his/her duties, Executive Director signs an employment contract with President for up to two year term.

5.14. Executive Director within his/her competence:

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