Main / Events / Expert Seminars, Trainings / Training seminar for AEER experts «Quality assessment of educational programs in engineering and technology»

Training seminar for AEER experts «Quality assessment of educational programs in engineering and technology»

Date: 14-15 March 2019

Venue: Rostov-on-Don, Don State Technical University


During the seminar participants examine the criteria and procedure of the international professional and public accreditation, typical HEIS mistakes, perform individual tasks. Upon successful completion of the seminar, each participant receives an AEER expert certificate. Heads of educational departments, deans, heads of divisions of technical HEIs, teachers and employees, as well as representatives of industry interested in improving engineers training quality are invited to participate in the seminar.

Specific terms of participation: Science Degree.

Yatkina Elena

Tel.: +7-3822-417009

mob.:+7 905 991 5930


© Association for Engineering Education of Russia

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