Main / Events / Expert Seminars, Trainings / Seminar-Training. 7 December 2010

Seminar "Directions of AEER Regional Departments activities" for the Chairmen of AEER Regional Departments of Siberia and Far East

Date: 7 December 2010

Venue: Conference hall, building 1, Novosibirsk State Technical University, 20, K. Marx prospect, Novosibirsk.

Seminar participants: chairmen of Regional Departments of AEER

List of Participants


Time Theme Speaker
9.00-13.00 Formation of the AEER strategic goal for medium term (materials of the training of the AEER Administrative Board on 27 May 2010) Training "Formation of AEER Strategic Goal for 2011-2015" Y.P. Pokholkov, AEER President
13.00-13.50 Lunch -
13.50-14.10 Survey results on interests of technical universities in the sphere of management Y.P. Pokholkov, AEER President
14.10-14.30 Directions of AEER Regional Departments activities for 2011-2015 S.V. Rozhkova, Director of AEER TB
14.30-15.00 Participation of AEER Regional Departments in the preparation of educational programs in engineering and technology for international public and professional accreditation S.I. Gerasimov, Director of the AEER Accreditation Centre
15.00-15.30 Training of regional experts in public and professional accreditation of educational programs in engineering and technology S.I. Gerasimov, Director of the AEER Accreditation Centre
15.30-17.30 Round table: "Discussion of the questions of the AEER regional departments work activization" Chairmen of AEER regional departments
17.30-18.00 Seminar summarizing Y.P. Pokholkov, AEER President
18.00 Dinner -


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