Main / Events / Seminars / Seminar «Practice-oriented teaching and learning technologies in engineering university», Rostov-on-Don, Russia, 17-18 October 2013

Seminar «Practice-oriented teaching and learning technologies in engineering university»

Association for Engineering Education of Russia Don State Technical University

Dates: 17-18 October 2013

Venue: Rostov-on-Don, Don State Technical University


Seminar purpose - exchange of best practice and familiarization with the most successful examples of educational programmes and technologies for training of specialists in engineering and technology. The Seminar programme also aims at establishment of useful contacts and development of cooperation between Russian universities in order to train competent professionals in engineering and technology who meet international requirements.

Leaders of universities, head of educational divisions, deans, heads of departments of technical universities as well as representatives of authorities and industry interested in using the best practices and improve the quality of training of engineers are invited to participate in the Conference.

The Seminar participants have an opportunity to publish a paper on the Seminar topic in the All-Russian reviewed Journal “Engineering Education”.

Registration for participation in the Seminar are accepted via e-mail or at DSTU, 1, Gagarina square, 344000, Rostov-on-Don, Russia. In the registration form there should be indicated full name, position, organization, contact telephone number.

Registration deadline – 10 October 2013

Contact information
Aleksandr Rybak
Olga Lukyanova
Tel/fax: 8(863) 2381-345,
Address: DSTU, 1, Gagarina square, 344000, Rostov-on-Don, Russia

© Association for Engineering Education of Russia

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