Main / Events / Seminars / Strategy and Tactics of HEI Management in Conditions of Modernization

Scientific and Methodical Seminar "Strategy and Tactics of HEI Management in Conditions of Modernization"

19-20 January 2010, Krasnoyarsk

Seminar was organized by Tomsk Polytechnic University (TPU), the Association for Engineering Education of Russia (AEER), HEIs Rectors Council of Krasnoyarsk Krai, Siberian State Aerospace University (SibSAU), Federal state educational establishment “Siberian Federal University” (SFU). The representatives of AEER, Ministry of Education and Science of Krasnoyarsk Krai, rectors, vice-rectors, directors of branches participated in the seminar.


Discussed questions:

Seminar plenary sessions alternated with round tables in these areas.

Seminar participants noted:


To solve the problems related to development of strategy and tactics of HEI management in conditions of economy modernization, the seminar participants recommends:

  1. Universities to improve the work of defining of strategy and tactics of HEI management, elaboration of comprehensive development programs and their implementations, formation of HEI quality system and corporate culture, preparation of education programs to international accreditation, and use in this the potential of AEER, Tomsk Polytechnic University and other higher educational institutions of the country.
  2. AEER in close cooperation with the Council of HEIs Rectors to hold a series of seminars and trainings in regions on the topical questions of higher professional education with participation of educational institutions staff, representatives of regional management structures of higher professional education and others interested in the improvement of engineering education.
  3. To consider the formation of succession pool as an important task for universities development. Taking in account that at TPU Chair of Organisation and Technology of Higher Professional Education is established, to send representatives of succession pool for core education, retraining and qualification improvement.
  4. In order to acquaint public at large with the recommendations of this seminar, to put them on the web-sites of AEER and HEIs Rectors Council of Krasnoyarsk Krai.

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