Main / Events / Seminars / Seminar «Practice-oriented teaching and learning technologies in engineering university», Rostov-on-Don, Russia, 17-18 October 2013 / Organising committee

Seminar «Practice-oriented teaching and learning technologies in engineering university»

Organising Committee

Sigov A.C. AEER First Vice-President, MIREA (TU) Rector, RAS Academician, Dr. Tech. Scs., Professor
Prikhodko V.M. IGIP First Vice-President, IGIP RMC President, RAS Corresponding Member, MADI (STU) Rector
Meskhi B.Ch. AEER Administrative Board Member, DSTU Rector, Dr. Tech. Scs., Professor
Pokholkov Y.P. AEER President, Dr. Tech. Scs., Professor, Head of TPU Department of Organisation and Technology of HE
Artemyev V.P. KubSTU Rector, Dr. Tech. Scs., Professor, Honorary Worker of Higher Professional Education of Russia
Rozhkova S.V. AEER Administrative Board Member, Director of AEER Tomsk Branch, Dr. Phys.-Math. Scs., TPU Professor
Shumskaya N.N. DSTU Vice-Rector on Methodology, Cand. Tech. Scs., DSTU Associate Professor
Rybak A.T. Director of AEER AC Rostov RO, Dr. Tech. Scs., DSTU Professor

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