Main / Journal "Engineering Education" / Preparation of the next issue / Paper reviewing

Paper reviewing

  1. The Editorial Board of the Journal “Engineering Education” accepts the papers, prepared according to the Rules on the website of the Journal (Guide for authors). The paper is sent to the editorial office by means of the electronic system of paper submission (Send article).
  2. A manuscript is double blind reviewed. The reviewers represent the leading Russian and foreign universities and scientific institutions. They are specialists in the field of the materials they review. The author receives back either the article with appreciation or the article with appreciation with recommendations for modification or the reasonable refusal of publication on a pre-printed form of the review.
  3. The delivery date of the articles, which were sent for modification, is the return of the paper to the editorial office.
  4. In case if the author does not agree with the reviewer opinion, the paper may be sent to the second (additional) reviewing, by agreement with the Editorial Board. The Editor-in-Chief or the Editorial Board, if it is required, makes a decision on the appropriateness of publication after reviewing.
  5. The reviews are stored in the editorial office during five years.

Recommendations for the review content

The review must contain the objective expert analysis of the manuscript material, its reasoned estimation and sound recommendations. The special attention should be paid to the following issues:

The reviewer can recommend the author and the Editorial Board to improve the paper. The reviewer comments and requests must be objective and fundamental. They should increase scientific and methodic levels of the paper. The final part of the review should contain the valid conclusions on the paper and clear recommendation for the paper publication. The reviewer must prove his/her conclusions in the case of negative review. .

© Association for Engineering Education of Russia

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