Main / Events / Public hearing / Formation and Development of Certification (Recognition) of Engineering Qualifications in Russia

Public Hearings "Formation and Development of Certification (Recognition) of Engineering Qualifications in Russia"

16 April 2010, from 10.00 to 14.00, in the RF Chamber of Commerce and Industry (6, Ilyinka st., Moscow)


Public hearings purpose:

The representatives of the RF Public Chamber, the Council of the Federation, the State Duma, the Ministry of Education and Science, RF CCI, USEA, AEER, ATU, rectors and vice-rectors of universities implementing engineering educational programs, scientific and educational community participated in the public hearings.

Discussed questions:

The hearings participants noted:


For the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation:

  1. Hold a meeting of the board of the RF Ministry of Education and Science on the certification of engineering qualifications and professional engineering activity in Russia.
  2. Come up with a legislative initiative to the State Duma on drafting of the RF law on certification of engineering qualifications and professional engineering activity in Russia.

For the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation, the Committee on Education and Science of the State Duma of the Russian Federation:

  1. Form an ad hoc expert group to develop the concept of the Federal Law on Professional Engineering Activity including representatives of AEER, ATU, USEA, RF CCI, RUIE, education and methodic associations on specializations of Russian technical education, as well as the RF Ministry of Education and Science.

For the Council of the Federation of the Russian Federation, the State Duma of the Russian Federation:

  1. Consider expedient to hold parliamentary hearings on problems of engineering education in Russia.

For the International Union of Scientific and Engineering Associations:

  1. Head the work on creation of the system of public and professional certification of engineering qualifications in Russia.

For the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs with the involvement of interested organizations:

  1. Define the requirement for professional engineers in Russia.

For the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation, the Association for Engineering Education of Russia, the Association of Technical Universities:

  1. Take active part in development and implementation of the system of engineering qualifications certification in Russia.

For university rectors:

  1. Involve employers, professional and academic community in the process of formation of requirements to graduates competences in relevant areas.
  2. Submit educational programs in engineering and technology to domestic and international accreditation agencies for public and professional accreditation.

Full text of the Recommendations (in Russian) (doc)


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