Main / Events / Conferences / International conference, 3 -7 December 2013, Prague

International conference “Formation of Practical Competences in Education of Engineers: Ideas, Best Practices and Quality Assurance”

Dates: 3 - 7 December, 2013

Venue: Czech Technical University in Prague


Conference purpose – to generalize international experience and consider best examples of educational programmes and technologies of training of specialists in engineering and technology. The Conference programme also aims at establishment of meaningful contacts and development of international cooperation of universities in order to train competent professionals in engineering and technologies who meet international requirements.

Rectors, Vice-rectors, head of educational divisions, deans, heads of departments of technical universities as well as representatives of authorities and industry interested in using the best practices and improve the quality of training of engineers are invited to participate in the Conference.

The Conference programme includes plenary sessions, roundtable discussions, debates, excursions to enterprises on the Conference topics. Also within the Conference the training seminar "The State of the Practice-Oriented Educational Technologies in Engineering Education" is planned.

The Conference participants will have the opportunity to listen to the reports of the invited European experts, become acquainted with the structure and the content of engineering educational programmes of Russian and foreign universities, educational technologies that proved to be effective in formation of modern engineers competence. The Conference materials will be published in the All-Russian reviewed Journal “Engineering Education”.

The Conference participants will receive the Certificate of participation of Czech Technical University in Prague.

The working languages of the Conference are English and Russian (simultaneous translation will be provided).

If you would like to participate in the International Conference, please, register by filling in the registration form till October 27, 2013.

Contact the Organising Committee:
Ksenya K. Tolkacheva
Tel/fax: +7-3822-606271, +79039158290

© Association for Engineering Education of Russia

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