Main / Events / Conferences / International conference, 3 -7 December 2013, Prague / Frequently used words and expressions

International conference “Formation of Practical Competences in Education of Engineers: Ideas, Best Practices and Quality Assurance”

Frequently used words and expressions

Hello – Ahoj – (agoy)
Good morning – Dobre rano – (dobreh rahno)
Good dat – Dobry den – (dobreh den)
Good evening – Dobry vecer – (dobreh vehcher)
Good bye – Nashledanou – (nas-klehdanoh)
Good Night – Dobrou noc – (dobroh nots)
Good bye – Nashledanou – (nas-klehdanoh)
Yes / No – Ano / Ne – (ano / ne)
Thank you – Dekuji – (dyekooyi)
Please – Prosim – (proseem)
Could you help me? - Pomozte mi, prosím – (pomozhte mee, proseem)
Excuse me – Prominte – (prominyte)
Do you speak English? – Mluvite anglicky? (mlu-veete an-glits-ki?)
I do not speak Czech - Nemluvím česk – (nemluveem cheski)
I do not understand – Nerozumim – (nerozoomeem)
I need to call - Potřebuji si zavolat – (potrshebooee see zavolat)
Where is…? - Kde je…? – (kde e?)
Is it far? - Je to daleko? – (e to daleko?)
Entrance – Vchod – (Vkhod)
Exit – Východ – (Vykhod)
Information centre - Informační centrum – (informachny centroom)
Toilets – Toalety – (too-alety)
Men (Gentelmen) - Muži (Páni) – (moozhee (pani))
Women (ladies) - Ženy (Dámy) – (zheny (damy))
What time is it? - Kolik je hodin? – (kolik e godeen)
1 – jedna – (yed-na), 2 – dve – (dvye) , 3 – tri – (trzbi), 4 – ctyri – (chti-rzhi), 5 – pet – (pyet), 6 – sest – (shest), 7 – sedm – (sedm), 8 – osm (osm), 9 – devet (dev-yet), 10 – deset – (des-et)
Open – Otevřeno – (otevrzhno)
Closed – Zavřeno – (zavrzhno)
How much? – Kolik? – (kolik)
Bon appétit! - Dobrou chuť – (Dobro-oo khut)
The bill, please. – Prosim, ucet. – (pro-seem oo-chet)

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