Main / Events / General Assemblies / XVth Regular General Assembly of the Association for Engineering Education of Russia

XVth Regular General Assembly of the Association for Engineering Education of Russia

The GA was attended by 39 delegates, as well as more than 20 invited persons - representatives of the scientific and educational community, engineering companies, business, legislative and executive authorities and other interested parties.

Delegates and participants of the Congress were welcomed by:

In the welcoming session special attention was paid to the 25th anniversary of the Association for Engineering Education of Russia, which is celebrated by AEER in 2017.

The Congress summarized the results of the work of the AEER for the period from March 2015 to February 2017. The President of the Association Yuri Petrovich Poholkov addressed the participants with a report, highlighting the main results within the reporting period in various areas:

According to the GA program a member of the Audit Commission, Vladimir Andreevich Kechin, member of the AEER Vladimir Regional Department, made a report on behalf of the Audit Commission. The President of the Association made an informative report aimed at discussion of the draft federal law "On engineering activities in the Russian Federation". Delegates, invited participants and chairs of the AEER regional deoartments were invited to submit comments and recommendations to the text of the draft law for further discussion at the Association of Technical Universities Congress.

The agenda of the General Assembly also included the awards ceremony of the Association for Engineering Education of Russia. The highest award of the AEER - the medals of Peter I "For the development of engineering and engineering education" were awarded to 8 representatives of the scientific and educational and engineering community from Russia and abroad. The President of the Association presented the medals "For merits in the development of engineering education in Russia", certificates of merits and letters of appreciation to members of the Association and outsatnding figures in Russian engineering education. In honor of the 25th anniversary of the Association, special jubilee medals "25 years of AEER" were awarded.

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