Main / Events / General Assemblies / Regular XII General Assembly of the RAEE / Assembly outcomes / Medal «For Merits in Development of Engineering Education of Russia»

Medal «For Merits in Development of Engineering Education of Russia»

List of people awarded by the medal

Taranceva Klara RustemovnaHead of Chair of Penza State Technological Academy
Morozov Valentin VasilyevichRector of Vladimir State University
Slyusarev Gennady VasilyevichVice-Rector for science, informatization and innovative activity of North Caucasian State Technical University
Khakho Igor KhamidovichDirector of the Kabardino-Balkaria Republic Centre of New Information Technologies of Kabardino-Balkaria State University
Popkov Vladimir IvanovichRectorate Adviser of SEI HPE Bryansk State Technical University
Emelyanov Sergey Gennadyevichrector of Southwestern State University
Mazurina Olga AnatolyevnaHead of Department of International Programs and Funds of National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University
Chubik Petr SavelyevichRector of National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University
Chuchalin Aleksandr IvanovichVice-Rector for Academic and International Affairs of National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University
Mogilnicky Sergey BorisovichHead of Information and Analytical Department of National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University
Ismailov Tagir AbdurashidovichRector of Dagestan State Technical University
Reznik Yury NikolaevichRector of Chita State University
Shestakov Aleksandr LeonidovichRector of South Ural State University
Saktoev Vladimir EvgenyevichRector of East Siberian State Technological University
Yakovlev Evgeny ValeryevichHead of Department of Innovative Development Programs, Director of Innovative Business Incubator of Voronezh State Architecture and Construction University
Shalai Viktor VladimirovichRector of Omsk State Technical University
Zhilin Nikolai SemenovichPresident of Omsk State Technical University
Moiseev Vasily BorisovichRector of Penza State Technological Academy
Kechin Vladimir AndreevichHead of Chair of Vladimir State University
Nasyrov Ilgiz KutdusovichVice-Rector for Academic and Methodic Affairs of Kazan State Technical University
Lagerev Aleksandr ValeryevichRector of Bryansk State Technical University
Naboichenko Stanislav StepanovichPresident of Ural Federal University
Samsonov Vladimir NikolaevichHead of Education and Methodical Department of Samara State Aerospace University
Falaleev Sergey ViktorinovichHead of Chair of Samara State Aerospace University
Romanov Evgeny MikhailovichRector of Mari State Technical University
Kuzhanova Natalya IvanovnaHead of Chair of Pskov State Polytechnic Institute
Popov Anatoly IgorevichProfessor of Moscow Power Engineering Institute (Technical University)
Sychev Vyacheslav VladimirovichProfessor of Moscow Power Engineering Institute (Technical University)
Kovalevsky Vladimir PetrovichRector of Orenburg State University
Myshlyavcev Aleksandr VladimirovichVice Rector for Academic Affairs of Omsk State Technical University
Lekhin Sergey NikiforovichProfessor, Dean of Faculty, Head of Chair of Pskov State Polytechnic Institute
Perfilyev Yury SerafimovichProfessor of Siberian Federal University
Shebashev Viktor EvgenyevichFirst Vice-Rector of Mari State Technical University
Medzhidov Mukhtar MurtuzalievichDeputy Chairman of the Government of the Republic of Dagestan
Kaziev Nizami EmirovichFirst Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Republic of Dagestan
Abdulaev Magomed ImranovichChairman of the Government of the Republic of Dagestan

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