Main / Events / General Assemblies / Regular XII General Assembly of the RAEE / Programme

Information for members and guests of Association for Engineering Education of Russia

21 March
9.00-18.00Seminar-training of AEER experts "Public and Professional Accreditation of Educational Programs in Engineering and Technology. Criteria and procedures of AEER", AEER office, building 7, 78, Vernadskogo prospect

22 March
9.00Bus leaves from the hotel to MIREA for the members of the AEER Accrediation Board
10.00–12.00Meeting of the Accreditation Board, AEER office, building 7, 78, Vernadskogo prospect
11.30Bus leaves from the hotel to MIREA for the members of the AEER Administrative Board
12.00-13.00Meeting of the Administrative Board, Small Conference Room, MIREA Main building , 78, Vernadskogo prospect
12.30Bus leaves from the hotel to MIREA for the delegates and invited persons of the General Assembly
13.00-14.00Registration for the General Assembly
14.00-19.20Work of the General Assembly, Small Conference Room, MIREA Main building , 78, Vernadskogo prospect
19.30Fourchette, MIREA Main building , 78, Vernadskogo prospect
21.30Bus leaves from MIREA to the hotel

23 March
10.00-14.00Seminar-training of AEER experts "Public and Professional Accreditation of Educational Programs in Engineering and Technology. Criteria and procedures of AEER", AEER office, building 7, 78, Vernadskogo prospect

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© Association for Engineering Education of Russia

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