Main / Events / General Assemblies / Regular XII General Assembly of the RAEE / Assembly outcomes / Medal of Peter the First «For Development of Engineering Profession and Education»

Medal of Peter the First «For Development of Engineering Profession and Education»

List of people awarded by the medal

Mesyats Gennady AndreevichVice-President of the Russian Academy of Science, Director of RAS Physics Institute (Moscow), RAS Full Member
Fedorov Igor BorisovichPresident of Moscow State Technical University
Kolesnikov Konstantin SergeevichRAS Academician
Agranovich Boris LvovichProfessor of National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University
Peter SkalickyRector of the Vienna University of Technology (TU Wien)
Brian G.D. SmartExecutive Dean, Heriot-Watt Campus, Dubai
Kuznetcov Yury AleksandrovichRAMAS Corresponding Member

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