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Association for Engineering Education of Russia

Main / Study / Questionnaire - Study of problems of technology transfer of Russian universities

Study of problems of technology transfer of Russian universities

Dear colleagues!

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Family name, first name
(completing the questionnaire )   
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We ask you to answer question 1 and to evaluate the importance of other questions combined in blocks 2-10 on a scale of 1 to 5 (in block 8 - 1 to 3), where:
1 - very important;
2 - important;
3 - quite important;
4 - not important;
5 - not important at all.
Fields marked * are optional.

Problems of technology transfer of Russian universities

1. Technology transfer is…

2. Main activities of universities 1 2 3 4 5
2.1 Bringing new technology to patenting
2.2 Conducting applied research
2.3 Publication of research results
2.4 Teaching, dissemination of knowledge
2.5 Conducting fundamental research
2.6 Technology transfer to business
2.7 Increasing general level of intelligence
2.8* Your option

3. Degree of organisational structure consistency

Quite consistent Consistent Moderately consistent Inconsistent Extremely inconsistent

4. Main motivation for universities to transfer technology 1 2 3 4 5
4.1 Establishment of small innovative companies on the basis of the Federal Law 217
4.2 Diversification of profits
4.3 Rise of income of university staff
4.4 Business support
4.5 Improvement of university image
4.6 Satisfaction of university staff with the results of their activities
4.7 Human resources formation
4.8* Your option

5. Key reasons for business to implement technology of universities 1 2 3 4 5
5.1 Access to new ideas and technologies
5.2 Decrease of risks of technology transfer to competitors
5.3 R&D cost decrease
5.4 Faster market entry
5.5 Wide variety of regular interaction with university
5.6 Human resources formation
5.7* Your option

6. Barriers to technology transfer to business 1 2 3 4 5
6.1 Inadequate assessment of financial results
6.2 Problems of interaction of university and business structures
6.3 Lack of effective infrastructure for technology transfer
6.4 Cultural differences between university and business
6.5 Insufficient number of sources of financing for university
6.6 Shortage of entrepreneurs in universities
6.7* Your option

7. Accessibility of university technology

Very accessible Accessible Requires some effort Difficult to access Extremely difficult to access

8. Key problems of access of university technology for business 1 2 3 4 5
8.1 Difficulties of technology transfer process coordination
8.2 Distrust of business to universities
8.3 Lack of drive in business to implement technology
8.4 Delay of negotiations on technology transfer
8.5 Lack of unique technologies
8.6 Lack of funding of technology transfer
8.7* Your option

9. Level of activity of technology transfer to business

High Average Low

10. Positive effects of technology transfer for universities 1 2 3 4 5
10.1 Raising of additional funds
10.2 Growth of employee income
10.3 Increase of state funding of technologies demanded by the market
10.4 More realistic financial expectations of universities
10.5 Carrying out activities to promote better understanding of business concept
10.6 Improvement of access to financial resources
10.7 Increase of autonomy of technology transfer structures
10.8 Reducing bureaucracy
10.9 Improving communication between business and universities
10.10* Your option

Address of Yuri P. Pokholkov